
“13th SCiUS Forum”: Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) – Science, Technology and Innovation

“13th SCiUS Forum”: Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) – Science, Technology and Innovation
On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, Associate Professor Supakorn Pongbangpho, Ph.D.President, University of Phayao, together with Associate Professor Preeyanan Sanpote, Ph.D.Director, Demonstration School, University of Phayao, accompanied by executives, staff and students at the University of Phayao Demonstration School, welcomed participants to the opening ceremony of the 13th SCiUS Forum hosted by the University of Phayao Demonstration School in Room UB003 of the Phra Ubaleekunupamajarn Building (99-year commemorative building).
The 13th SCiUS Forum took place from May 2nd to 5th 2023. This forum provided opportunities for students and teachers from Thailand and Japan to present projects, disseminate their work, and exchange academic knowledge under the guidance of The University of Phayao SCiUS (Science Classrooms in University-Affiliated Schools) Project. At this remarkable activity, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation presided over the opening speech.
The 13th SCiUS Forum resulted from collaboration between international institutions in science, technology, research and innovation. It was hosted by the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, the University of Phayao, and the Demonstration School of the University of Phayao. Students from 16 universities and 19 schools nationwide participated in the activities with more than 1,130 total participants. This year, teachers and students from four schools in Japan presented topics on education, science and technology, and life in Japan, facilitating a network of cooperation among domestic and international schools. This activity also promoted the development and enhancement of soft skills and social skills in teamwork, cooperation in society and professional networking to improve scientific and academic collaboration. The forum this year provided the opportunity for the first step in elevating SCiUS Forum activities to national and international levels.
The four days of the forum included a variety of activities, such as a presentation on international science teaching and learning models with active learning processes via digital platforms, special activities, idea pitching, poster presentations, and special lectures on educational technology and innovation. For more information about each day’s activities, please visit the 13th SCiUS Forum Facebook Page or https://sciusforum13.satit.up.ac.th/ website.
The SCiUS forum is designed to establish science classrooms in schools for students with special abilities in science and technology. In this project, the university supervises the implementation, administration, and curriculum of science classrooms in schools, which includes schools already established within the network as well as schools under the supervision of the University by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI).
Since 2015, the University of Phayao has joined the SCiUS Forum hosted by the Demonstration School of the University of Phayao, which has already produced six cohorts of graduates from the program. It is a great pride of the Universiy of Phayao to promote and support the development of human resources in science and technology as a mechanism for sustainable national and international development.

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